Installing Apache2 Php5 Mysql 5 And Phpmyadmin On Windows

Posted By admin On 18.12.19

Installing PHP, MySql and Apache on windows. Ask Question. Step By Step Process to Setup Apaache,PHP,Mysql,phpMyAdmin and XDebug. 1)How to install Apache. WAMP (Windows, Apache2, MySQL and PHP) is an alternative to LAMP (Linux, Apache2, MySQL and PHP), the opensource stack that allows webmasters to create dynamic and.

Active2 years, 10 months ago

I tried to manually install latest version of Apache,PHP7 with MariaDB on a Windows 10 machine, and when i try to run latest phpmyadmin setup script, it return:

Rick James
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3 Answers

It is wamp, I am sure you must be having mbstring library, just make sure extension=php_mbstring.dll is not commented in your php.ini

Danyal SandeeloInstalling Apache2 Php5 Mysql 5 And Phpmyadmin On WindowsDanyal Sandeelo
9,0363 gold badges26 silver badges46 bronze badges

You need to install or enable the php-mbstring library.

Have a look at the phpinfo() and check if that module is enabled. After installing / enabling it make sure the Apache service is restarted.

jakub wronajakub wrona

I found the problem, it seems the

extension_dir = 'ext'

isn't conffigured corectly now it's working :D Thanks!


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Jun 7, 2014

How to Install Apache 2.4 MySQL and PHP on Windows Server 2012 R2

Well it is finally time to start playing a bit more with Microsoft’s latest server OS Windows Server 2012 R2. One of the many things to have on the list is getting the WAMP (Windows/Apache/MySQL/PHP) stack working. So in this post we will get installed and running Apache 2.4.9, MySQL 5.6.19 and PHP 5.5.13 on Windows Server 2012 R2. Also, instead of 32 bit apps we will be install 64 bit.

You will need to download and install Visual C++ Re-distributable for Visual Studio 2012 from You will also need .NET 4.0 installed as a prereq for MySQL and Visual C++ 2010 re-distributable

Download 64 bit Apache ( from Download and extract the zip and copy it to the root of C:. This will be C:Apache24 when it is all done.

Download Thread Safe from . Extract and rename folder to php and move to C:.

Extract Edit Apache’s config file, c:Apache24confhttpd.conf and add the following lines to the bottom of the file.

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php.php

While we are at it we can add index.php to Apache’s list just incase we want to have a starting page as php.

Find Directory index and add index.php

Next we need to input a value for ServerName variable. You will have to un-comment it. Save the changes to the config file. Next move to the Register Apache Service step.

Register Apache Service

Now let’s register Apache as a service. Open a command prompt and type.

If do not want Apache starting automatically at start-up/reboot:

Mysql 5.5 Command Line Client


  • Type in services.msc, hit Enter or click OK
  • Locate Apache2 service and double-click (or right-click for Properties)
  • Find the caption Startup type: (in the middle of the dialog box), use the pull-down and select Manual
  • Click OK

Command line


to PATH in Environment variables. PATH ENVIRONMENT (System Properties Advanced Environment Variables System variables Path).

Now lets check Apache settings by issuing the command, c:Apache24binhttpd -S

PHP Edits

Php 5.2

Now we have to do a few edits to the php.ini file to tell it to load support for mysql and the location for the extensions. Since there is not a already set php.ini file we need to rename one of the two examples to php.ini.

Rename c:phpphp.ini-development to php.ini

Now let’s edit php.ini
Uncomment extension directory.

;Directory inwhich the loadable extensions(modules)reside.
Uncomment mysql modules

Save the changes and open a command prompt. Restart Apache to re-read the changes made to PHP.

Check to make sure it shows loaded modules.

So now we have Apache running and configured to use php. Lets create a file called info.php, save it and see if Apache parses the info correctly to display the results.

Open Notepad or your favorite Windows editor and type and save the following.


Open your browser and type, localhost/info.php for the location and you should receive alot of information about PHP.

Download and install mysql-5.6.19-win64.msi. Change installation directory to C:MySQLMySQL Server 5.6 instead of Program files as there could be permissions issues. Once the installation is completed you can let the configuration wizard run and setup the database server. The defaults will work just fine, but remember what you set the password to for root.

PHPMyAdmin is a very nice tool to use for administering your MySQL installation.
Download and install
Extract the file and move to c:apache24htdocs. Rename directory to phpmyadmin.
Create a config directory under phpmyadmin. Open a browser and type localhost/phpmyadmin/setup/index.php to complete the installation.

At this point you should have a working Apache / PHP / MySQL installation running and ready for you to start developing !!!

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  1. Thank you so much for this! This saved me a ton of time and worked perfectly!

  2. Hi, thanks for this very helpful information here. I am in the process installing all from scratch. Also, tons of files bringing from Win 2003 server, but I only hope all will go ok someday,

  3. Hello, Its really very nice blog but i am stuck here so plzz give me solution. myphp and apache are working fine but i installed mysql in c/program file so now i get this error

    “Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.”

  4. Hello, I’ve faced with the issue that extensions of PHP dont work.
    I had “Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_detect_encoding()” when I was openning “localhost/phpmyadmin/setup/index.php”
    I’ve seen than phpinfo() have no enabled extensions.
    So, I’ve solved it.
    Just change in php.ini
    from “extension_dir = “ext””
    to “extension_dir = “C:/php/ext””

  5. Hey,

    I followed the setup and everything is working except the phpmyadmin module. I originally got a similar error to above, but that seems to have disappears now I just get a loading screen and then an error when the page doesn’t load.

    Also – where exactly is this step:

    ;c:php;c:Apache24; c:Apache24bin;

    to PATH in Environment variables. PATH ENVIRONMENT (System Properties Advanced Environment Variables System variables Path).

    • OK. I added the path – Do I add a new one or to the existing ones that are there (temp and tmp). Unfortunately I still get just a blank screen.

  6. Hi,

    Thanks for the post.

    I get following error:


    Deprecated: Non-static method PMA_Theme::load() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in C:Apache24htdocsphpmyadminlibrariesTheme_Manager.class.php on line 259


    [17-Oct-2014 03:56:47 UTC] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library ‘C:PHPextphp_oci8_12c.dll’ – %1 is not a valid Win32 application.


  7. One more OCI error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function OCIPLogOn() in

  8. Dear newlife007,
    Thanks so much for this posting.
    I am in the process of migrating our server from Windows Web Server 2008 R2 to Windows Server 2012 and need this information.
    We need to use Windows Server due to the requirements of other program we need to use.

    However, as we are going to use Drupal 7, the PHP version will be 5.3 and not above that. We also need to use 64 bits version of MySQL due to database size.
    If I am going to need your help, how can I reach you?
    Please email to

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

  9. Hi! I really like how easy your guide is to follow, however, I can’t get it to work (using x64 vc11 bins, just slightly newer versions than yours). I just can’t get Apache to load with PHP because it fails to load the dll claiming it’s not a valid win32 program.
    “c:Apache24>c:Apache24binhttpd -S
    httpd: Syntax error on line 532 of C:/Apache24/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load c:/p
    hp/php5apache2_4.dll into server: %1 is not a valid Win32 application.”
    The difference for me is that I’m running it on a Windows 8 x64 machine (will host it on a Win 10 x64 later).
    Any ideas on what to do to solve this?

    • Never mind, my bad! I had managed to mix x32 and x64 binaries. Thank you again for an excellent guide!

  10. And then it’s not working.
    c:/php/php5apache2_4.dll is not in the directory specified in the file and even if i add the file in the version working together i still get a 500 error.

    So needs an update or correction.

  11. How do I check that PHP, Apache and MySQL work together. I want to install Joomla but the installer doesn’t work.

  12. I have some issue
    1. I want to change root directory “DocumentRoot “e:/www” instead by default ,It’s can possible? and How to ?
    2. If question one it impossible! have author solution? and How to?

  13. Thanks for writing this post – it helped me out. I am new to installing this stuff on Windows (easy part, just a double-click) and getting it to work (not so easy part).

    So I mixed up VC9, VC11 and VC14 installations (wtf do I know), installed 5 versions of vcredist_x64 (from 2010 thru 2012), wanted to istall Apache 2.2 but could not find any 64bit PHP installation for it, etc, etc. So, finding out the hard way, I stumbled upon your webpage and followed the steps. Got it working now! So, don’t move or delete this page!

  14. I get the same error as Janus.
    c:/php/php5apache2_4.dll can not be found. When it is there.
    I setup multiple different apache/php combinations on different versions of windows. I find that depending on the exact apache/php combination you get this error. It may be because you combined 64 bit with 32 bit versions. But I have 64 bit versions together and I still get the error. If I solve it I will post here. I have it working on my other win2k12 box but just not this one with newer versions of Apache/Php

  15. Excellent, all up and running in under 3 hours (a little fiddling getting PHP up n running)

    Top Job!

  16. Hi All, I have done everything I can think of and followed the above suggestions but I am getting the following error and cannot seem to solve – when I try to test Apache or even install it as a service I get the “this program cannot start because VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing ……

    I have even found a copy of this dll and placed it in the Windows32 directory, but same error – any suggestions please.

  17. Thanks dude, that was really helpfully, only change i made was not install phpmyadmin i prefer use mysqlworkbench, but this is a good guide.

  18. I followed these directions updating the versions to the more recent ones. Everything is working so far except the final step. I put phpmyadmin in the htdocs folder and tried to load the page to finish the install andI get this error:
    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mb_detect_encoding() in Stack trace: #0 _encode(‘The %s extensio…’) #1 _gettext(‘The %s extensio…’) #2 C:Apache24htdocsphpmyadminlibrariescore.lib.php(306): __(‘The %s extensio…’) #3 C:Apache24htdocsphpmyadminlibrariescore.lib.php(961): PMA_warnMissingExtension(‘mbstring’, true) #4 PMA_checkExtensions() #5 require_once(‘C:Apache24htd…’) #6 C:Apache24htdocsphpmyadminsetupindex.php(13): require(‘C:Apache24htd…’) #7 {main} thrown in on line 177

    I went into the file but I can’t really make heads or tails of what line 177 is. Thoughts?

    • I also just noticed that I cannot access the base site (index.html) from outside the server. I had IIS installed when I started this but I removed it. Do I need to do something to get it to redirect right?

      • Scratch the issue with the base site. With IIS when I put in the IP, it went right to the home page. I didn’t realize with this I had to add index.html to get it to load. But it’s loading with that.

  19. This info is spot-on for what I need. However, can I install WAMP (then WordPress) on my D drive instead? My virtual dedicated server’s C drive is almost filled up with the OS and IIS, and I have a 50GB D drive that is empty.

  20. When i go to the last step for phpmyadmin I cant understand “Rename directory to phpmyadmin.” Do I rename the whole “apache24” to phpmyadmin or rename the htdocs. or the folder that has the long name which the php files are in. Im using this tutorial, but installing the latest stable for each of the programs. And for some reason whenever I type “localhost/phpmyadmin/setup/index.php” It just opens an error message on hfs that it wasnt found. Any ideas on what is wrong?

  21. Hey

    Where am I suppose to put the index.php file? I entered localhost/info.php in the browser and get error. Please help

  22. “Create a config directory under phpmyadmin” what config directory??

  23. At the very end of tutorial i browse to http://localhost and I get “It works!” which mean the service is listening and responsive, but when I got to http://localhost/info.php I get “Not Found

    The requested URL /info.php was not found on this server.”

    What is wrong here?

    • I am a dork. I left the .txt file extension on!!! The file was info.php.txt

      Rookie mistake!

  24. Thank you for this tutoriel.
    I succeed to install and use phpmyadmin and Mantis Bug tracker.

    Unfortunately, i have trouble in the SSL activation. No problem with the certificate installation, but trouble with the virtual host definition.

    Do you know a good Tutorial ?

    Thanks again

  25. I was really hoping this tutorial would help me out but I’m 2 days in and still no joy.

    Tried following this line by line but cannot get Apache to run at all.
    Got the win32 dll message error, managed to resolve that by getting the VC14 x64 Thread Safe (2017-Aug-30 21:35:35) from
    but whenever I tried to start Apache from services.msc I just get a whole load of
    AH00015 Unable to open logs
    repeatedly checked I have ;c:php;c:apache24;c:apache24bin; in the Path Environment Variables as directed

    http://localhost with the info.php in the c:Apache24htdocs location doesn’t resolve either

    The setup I’m trying to get this working on is a virtual machine running Windows Server 2012

  26. Hi,
    How to register SQLSRV in the php and apache. Its shows me not registered.

  27. I am having this problem “Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress” when I’m upgrade the php from version 5.6 to 7.2. Turns out that mysql extension is no longer supported in php version 7.2. It is now using mysqli extension. I am using old version of wordpress which still using mysql extension so the problem existed. So what I did is upgraded the wordpress to the core. I used the latest version of wordpress and used filezilla to put the new version to the site. I only overwrite the folder wp-includes and wp-admin and replace all the files in the root folder with the new files from version 7.2

Installing Apache2 Php5 Mysql 5 And Phpmyadmin On Windows 10

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